Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Greek Dining and Finding the Perfect Jumping Cliff

Even though we have only been in Santorini for 5 days, this place already feels like home! Our hotel is so comfy and homey, none of us want to leave! This has been our pre-class vacation and I must say it has been the time of my life. It's amazing how close our small group has grown in such a short period of time! I didn't know anyone in our group before I came to Greece and now it already feels as if I have known them for months. I really feel like part of the reason we have been able to do this is because of the strong sense of relationship and family found here in Greece. I'm not exactly how to explain it but the atmosphere is different here. In America, everything is always go, go, go- always in a rush to go somewhere or be at a meeting. In Greece, it is much more laid-back and relaxed. The focus here is not how much money can I make with my time, but rather how can I spend my time building and strengthening relationships. Time is relationships, not money. I think dinning with the Greeks and in this relaxed environment has placed us in the ultimate setting to get to know one another relatively quickly. When we eat at the restaurants, it is never a rushed sense of eating. The dining style is meant to be dragged out and spent merely enjoying each others company and the amazing food. Oh and another thing, the waiters don't bring you the check. You have to actually ask for it! One day during lunch we were wondering why it was taking so long for the check and then figured out that unlike in America where the waitresses are constantly trying to clear out tables for more guests; the waitress/waiters here allow you to enjoy your time eating and visiting and I have to say it's a welcome change of pace!

For our last full day in Santorini, a group of us were completely dedicated to finding a cliff to jump off of before we have to leave tomorrow for Athens. And finally...success!
We jumped off the left side and it's much higher than it looks!
 We got directions and advice from a local and proceeded to walk all the way down the mountain to the perfect cliff to jump off. Unfortunately for me, the initial excitement soon wore off as soon as I had my first encounter with a nasty sea urchin. And let me tell you....those things do not mess around. The barbs immediately stuck in my foot and had a slight tingly/stinging sensation. And we hadn't even climbed the cliff yet. But you better believe that didn't hold me back! Even if I was struggling up that cliff, limping on one foot, the view and rush of the jump was totally worth it.

I only jumped like 3 times because those darn barbs started getting the best of me. One of the boats hanging around offered to try and pick them out with tweezers they had on board, but it did no good. I toughened up and decided the only thing to do was to put a smile on and hike back up that darn hill. Later that night, Mark (a classmate) attempted to do some amateur surgery on my foot and was somewhat successful. But as of right now, I'm still limping around with some sea urchin attached to me.

The can see how much I enjoy needles, tweezers and scissors on my foot.

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