Sunday, June 22, 2014

Santorini Bound

Sunday morning we were up bright and early at 5:30 a.m. to catch a ferry to Santorini for a few days of vacation time before the real work starts back in Athens. The ferry provided a beautiful view of the islands and crystal clear waters. When we arrived at the port of Santorini, the first thing that caught my eye were the beautiful, pristine white buildings all the way at the top of the island. You know all the pictures you see of Greece on Pinterest, in travel magazines and on post cards? Yea, that was our view. And it's way prettier in person than a picture can even show! The city literally sits on the top of the hill, filled with unique architecture, unlike anything back home in the States. Even though the homes and buildings may seem smaller, they are far prettier than mansions you can find in the U.S. There is beauty in the simplicity of this place.
The driving here reminds me a lot of the driving I experienced in Ghana, Africa. It's CRAZY. I swear, I do not understand how we haven't witnessed a wreck yet. Fast-paced driving, narrow streets and a lack of traffic signs and law enforcement would seem like a deadly combination. Yet the people here pass each other on narrow cliffs, speeding around corners and pushing the pedal to the medal. It's almost like they all work together to get where they need to go, yet there doesn't seem to be any road rage. The driving culture seems like a game of trust, each driver trusts the other to maneuver through tight spots - but none of them seem to be in a huge rush like we are in America.
Today was a day full of a lot of first's for me: Santorini has a lot to offer! My new experiences include trying olives, a gyro (pronounced like hero), Greek honey and squid for the first time, getting a fish pedicure (tons of little fish eat the dead skin off your feet and it really tickles!), and rode my first donkey. I absolutely love trying new things so today has been a success. Constantly absorbing the culture and our surroundings is a balancing act when we are also trying to get to know each other, adjust to the time change and enjoy every moment. Fortunately, we have a great group dynamic and a wide variety of personalities and backgrounds.

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