Thursday, July 17, 2014

Just Another Day in Paradise

As a student, you would think that we would continually rejoice every time we hear the phrase "field trip." Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the amount of field trips we get to take in my art class because it's way better than being in a lecture hall every day. But....after a while the pottery and ancient ruins all start to look the same. At least our professor continually has new information to share with us and challenges us to really look at the artwork and see what is happening or being depicted. This morning we visited the National Museum, which required a very long bus ride on the B5, but at least we weren't late today (unlike yesterday, whoops!).

The best part about our field trips is that it requires us to get up and going in the morning because we are done by 11a.m. so we have the rest of the day to do as we wish! Today I had made tentative plans to meet up with one of my Greek friends, Areti. However, communication here is really hard when you only have service when you are connected to wi-fi. She was on a field trip with her photography class as well, and plans changed and we almost couldn't find each other because we couldn't get ahold of each other! Right before Micah and I gave up to head back home, we took one more lap around Monastiriki square and somehow found a fellow classmate with Areti. We decided it was fate because there was no other possible way we could have found each other in the center of Athens. Areti and another Greek student, Karina, had planned an adventure for us so we all boarded the metro, putting our afternoon in their knowledgeable hands!

We rode the red line metro all the way to the end of the line and let the girls lead us to an amazing souvlaki place for a late lunch. I loved having the afternoon to just hang out with Areti and the boys and have no deadlines to be back for. 
The boys and I on the first sandy (instead of rocky) beach we've found!
So beautiful!
I loved this beach and had the urge to just cast away my worries about walking around in wet clothes and just run straight into the dazzling blue waves. But, I wanted to be able to enjoy the rest of our day, so I resisted the urge. This was the first beach we found that wasn't covered in rocks and the sand was actually super soft. I could have stayed there all day but Areti had one more place in store for us. We ended up on another beach where we decided to climb a mountain and all watch the sun set before heading back to our dorms.  
*Side note: a maxi skirt and flip flops do not make the best climbing attire.
My favorite Greek girl! She's the best.

I absolutely LOVE spending time and talking with Areti. She is so outgoing and easy to talk too. My favorite thing is when we teach each other cultural differences. It's always so funny watching and listening to her reactions at some of the things we do. I explained to her what a Chinese Fire Drill was and she thought that was the oddest thing (but she promised she would try it!). Some of our phrases she had never heard of either, I think her favorite was "shake what you're momma gave ya!" Areti died laughing at that one. The culture differences don't keep us from being friends though, we already act like we've known each other for way longer than a few weeks. At lunch we were whispering about boys and telling secrets like we've had a friendship forever. I genuinely think this girl is awesome and if I had it my way I would bring her back to the States with me!
Watching the sunset to end a beautiful day with a beautiful soul.

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